Simple Ajax Uploader - Javascript API Reference

For setup instructions and examples, visit the Github project page. To view the API reference for the included PHP class, go here.

Name Description
ss.SimpleUpload( options ) Constructor
ss.uploadSetup( options ) Sets default uploader options that will apply to all uploader instances. Accepts an object.


Name Type Description
button Mixed
Default: ""
File upload button. Accepts either a single button (element ID string, element, or jQuery object), or an array of buttons. If an array is passed, each element in the array will work as an upload button. Required if dropzone is not set.
url String
Default: ""
Location of the server-side file upload handler. Required.
name String
Default: ""
Upload parameter name. Required.
dropzone Mixed
Default: ""
Enable drag and drop uploading by setting this option as the element onto which files will be dragged for uploading. Accepts an element ID string, element, or jQuery object.
dragClass String
Default: ""
CSS class to be applied to drop zone element when a file is dragged over.
customHeaders Object
Default: {}
Additional HTTP request headers. Ex: customHeaders: { header1: 'value', header2: 'value'; }
customProgressHeaders Object
Default: {}
Additional HTTP request headers to be sent with upload progress update requests in legacy browsers. Ex: customProgressHeaders: { header1: 'value', header2: 'value'; }
encodeHeaders Boolean
Default: true
UTF-8 encode request headers.
Removed in v2.3
Default: false
Set to true to encode the value of any custom headers added with the customHeaders option. Header values will be encoded using native encodeURIComponent() function.
cors Boolean
Default: false
Set to true to enable cross-domain file uploading. More info »
multiple Boolean
Default: false
Set to true to enable multiple, concurrent file uploads.
multipleSelect Boolean
Default: false
Set to true to enable multiple file selection.
maxUploads Integer
Default: 3
Max number of simultaneous uploads. If the queue option is true (default), files selected after the limit is reached will be queued and then automatically uploaded as prior uploads are completed.
maxSize Integer
Default: false
Maximum allowed file size (in kilobytes). Only works in browsers that support File API.
noParams Boolean
Default: true
Set to false to append the file name to the url query string.
allowedExtensions Array
Default: []
Only allow file uploading for these extensions (case insensitive). Ex: allowedExtensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif"]
accept String
Default: ""
Sets the value of the accept file input attribute in supporting browsers.
queue Boolean
Default: true
If upload limit is reached, allow any files selected afterward to be queued and then automatically uploaded as prior uploads are completed.
data Object
Default: {}
Additional data to be sent to the server.
multipart Boolean
Default: true
Set to true for all files to be uploaded using multipart form method instead of direct binary stream.
method String
Default: "POST"
The HTTP method to use for XHR uploads.

Note: Only the POST method can be used in older browsers which rely on the iframe upload method.
autoSubmit Boolean
Default: true
By default, uploads commence as soon as a file is selected. Set to false to delay the upload and instead trigger manually with the submit() function.
autoCalibrate Boolean
Default: true
By default, upload buttons which are not visible upon initilization are auto reset with updatePosition() upon becoming visible.
responseType String
Default: ""
The type of data you're expecting back from the server (and passed as the first argument of the onComplete() callback).
Optional values:

"" (empty or unrecognized string): Plain text (default).

"json": Response will be evaluated as JSON and will return a Javascript object. An empty or malformed response will trigger onError() rather than onComplete(). For an empty response, return either null or {}.
debug Boolean
Default: false
Set to true to log progress messages and server response in the console.
hoverClass String
Default: ""
Class applied to upload button when mouse is hovered.
focusClass String
Default: ""
Class applied to upload button when focused.
disabledClass String
Default: ""
Class applied to button when disabled.
form Mixed
Default: ""
Integrate a form with the plugin. Accepts element ID string, element, or jQuery object. See for more info.

Cross-Browser Progress Utilities

See also: Cross-Browser Upload Progress Bars with Simple Ajax Uploader

Older, non-HTML5 browsers (IE9 and older) do not support upload progress tracking. In these browsers, Simple Ajax Uploader can mimic native progress tracking by retrieving progress updates from the server as files are uploading. Three server-side options are currently supported:

Name Type Description
nginxProgressUrl String
Default: ""
(Nginx) The URL for reporting upload progress, as set by the module's report_uploads directive in your Nginx configuration file.
nginxProgressHeader String
Default: "X-Progress-ID"
(Nginx) The header of the upload progress ID, defined by the upload_progress_header directive in your Nginx config. The module default value is "X-Progress-ID"
progressUrl String
Default: ""
(PHP-APC) The location of the included uploadProgress.php file.
keyParamName String
(PHP-APC) The name specified in PHP configuration to activate APC upload progress. This is the value of apc.rfc1867_name in PHP runtime config. (PHP default value is "APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS")
More info at
sessionProgressUrl String
Default: ""
(PHP Session Progress) The location of the included sessionProgress.php file.
sessionProgressName String
(PHP Session Progress) The value specified in the session.upload_progress PHP runtime option.
More info at
checkProgressInterval Integer
Default: 50
Length of delay (in milliseconds) between completed progress update checks.
onUpdateFileSize( filesize ) Function This callback function serves the specific purpose of providing the upload file size in browsers that do not support the HTML5 File API. It is called after the first progress update. The function gets passed one argument: the size (in KB) of the uploaded file.

Callback Functions

Note: When returning false from a callback to prevent an upload, the current file will remain in the queue as the next to be uploaded. To remove the current file while in a callback, use: this.removeCurrent();

Name Arguments Description
onChange( filename, extension, uploadBtn, fileSize, file ) filename (String), extension (String), uploadBtn (Element), fileSize (Integer), file (Object) Function to be called when user selects a file.

The function gets passed five arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a string containing the file extension; (3) a reference to the button which triggered the upload; (4) an integer, representing the file size (null in IE9 and older); (5) the file selected to be uploaded.

Return false to prevent the upload from starting.
onSubmit( filename, extension, uploadBtn, fileSize ) filename (String), extension (String), uploadBtn (Element), fileSize (Integer) Function to be called before file is uploaded.

The function gets passed four arguments, depending on browser capability: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a string containing the file extension; (3) a reference to the button which triggered the upload; 4) an integer, representing the file size (null in IE9 and older).

Return false to prevent the upload from starting.
onAbort( filename, uploadBtn, fileSize ) filename (String), uploadBtn (Element), fileSize (Integer) Function to be called when an upload is manually aborted by clicking on an element that was passed to setAbortBtn().

The function gets passed three arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a reference to the button which triggered the upload; (3) an integer, representing the file size (null in IE9 and older).
onProgress( pct ) pct (Integer) Function to be called on the progress event in browsers that support XHR uploads. In older browsers, it will be called when server progress updates are received if progressURL is defined.

The function gets passed one argument: an integer representing the upload completion percentage.
onComplete( filename, response, uploadBtn, fileSize ) filename (String), response (Mixed, uploadBtn (Element), fileSize (Integer) Function to be called when the upload is completed.

The function gets passed four arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) the data returned from the server, formatted according to the responseType setting; (3) a reference to the button which triggered the upload; 4) an integer, representing the file size (null in IE9 and older).

If responseType is "json", the response will be evaluated as JSON and will return a Javascript object.
onDone( filename, status, statusText, response, uploadBtn, fileSize ) filename (String), status (Mixed), statusText (Mixed), response (Mixed), uploadBtn (Element), fileSize (Integer) Function to be called after each individual upload finishes.

The function gets passsed six arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) the response status code, if any; (3) the response status text, if any; (4) the data returned from the server, or false if no response; (5) a reference to the button which triggered the upload; (6) an integer, representing the file size (null in IE9 and older).
onAllDone() none Function to be called when all active uploads finish.
onExtError( filename, extension ) filename (String), extension (String) Function to be called if the extension of a file is not permitted in the allowedExtensions option, if it is set.

The function gets passsed two arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a string containing the file extension.

Note: The disallowed file is removed from the queue before onExtError() is called.
onSizeError( filename, fileSize ) filename (String), fileSize (Integer) Function to be called if the file size exceeds the limit which is set in the maxSize option, if it is set.

The function gets passsed two arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) an integer representing the file size.

Note: The disallowed file is removed from the queue before onSizeError() is called.
onError( filename, errorType, status, statusText, response, uploadBtn, fileSize ) filename (String), errorType (String), status (Mixed), statusText (Mixed), response (Mixed), uploadBtn (Element), fileSize (Integer) Function to be called if an error occurs during upload.

The function gets passsed seven arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a string containing the error type (either "error" or "parseerror"); (3) the response status code, if any; (4) the response status text, if any; (5) the data returned from the server, or false if no response; (6) a reference to the button which triggered the upload; (7) an integer, representing the file size (null in IE9 and older).
startXHR( filename, fileSize, uploadBtn ) filename (String), fileSize (Integer), uploadBtn (Element) Function to be called only in browsers that support XHR uploads. Called after onSubmit() but prior to upload start.

The function gets passed three arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a number that is the file size in kilobytes; (3) a reference to the button which triggered the upload.

Return false to prevent the upload from starting.
endXHR( filename, uploadBtn ) filename (String), uploadBtn (Element) Function to be called only in browsers that support XHR uploads. Called after upload is completed but prior to onComplete().

The function gets passed two arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a reference to the button which triggered the upload.
startNonXHR( filename, uploadBtn ) filename (String, uploadBtn (Element) Function to be called only in browsers that do not support XHR uploads (IE9 and older). Called after onSubmit() but prior to upload start.

The function gets passed two arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a reference to the button which triggered the upload.

Return false to prevent the upload from starting.
endNonXHR( filename, uploadBtn ) filename (String), uploadBtn (Element) Function to be called only in browsers that do not support XHR uploads (IE9 and older). Called after upload is completed but prior to onComplete().

The function gets passed two arguments: (1) a string containing the filename; (2) a reference to the button which triggered the upload.

Instance Methods

Name Parameters Description
submit() none Begins the file upload process. Note that if autoSubmit is set to true (the default value), there is no need to manually call submit(). The upload process will begin immediately after the user selects a file.
destroy() none Completely removes upload functionality.
setOptions( options ) options (Object) Set or change uploader options.
setData( data ) data (Object) Replaces the data to be sent to the server. Note that all previously set data is entirely removed and replaced.
disable() none Disables upload functionality.
enable() none Restores upload functionality.
clearQueue() none Clear all files in upload queue.
getQueueSize() none Returns number of files currently waiting in queue.
removeCurrent() none Remove the currently active file from the queue. Must be called prior to the start of upload (for example, within onSubmit() or onChange()).
setProgressBar( element ) element (Element) Designates an element to serve as an upload progress bar. The CSS width of the element will be set to 0% at the start of the upload, and then updated accordingly by percentage as the upload progresses.
setPctBox( element ) element (Element) Designates an element to be injected with upload progress percentage.

The string "0%" will be inserted at the start of the upload, and then updated accordingly as the upload progresses.
setFileSizeBox( element ) element (Element) Designates an element to be injected with the file size of an uploading file at the start of the upload.
setProgressContainer( element ) element (Element) Designates an element to be removed from the DOM upon completion of an upload. Useful for cleaning up dynamically created progress bars.
setAbortBtn( element, remove ) element (Element), remove (Boolean)
Default: false
Designates an element to serve as an upload "cancel" button. If the second argument is true, the button will be removed from the DOM after the upload completes.
updatePosition() none Updates invisible button position. Dynamically altering elements on the page in some situations may result in invisible button misalignment. Calling updatePosition() will reset position.
addButton( element ) element (Mixed) Designates an element to serve as upload button. Accepts either a single button (element ID string, element, or jQuery object), or an array of buttons. If an array is passed, each element in the array will work as an upload button.
addDZ( element ) element (Mixed) Designate an element to serve as a drop zone.
setForm( element ) element (Mixed) Designate a form to integrate with the plugin. See for more info.